Organische Geochemie

The organic Geochemistry Lab is equipped with an Accelerated Soxhlet System (ASE 200, DIONEX), a Medium Pressure Liquid Chromatography (MPLC, KOEHNEN WILLSCH), a Hetero Medium Pressure Liquid Chromatography unit (MPLC respectively HMPLC both KOEHNEN WILLSCH) and closed cell concentrators (Turbo Vap, ZYMAK and Syncore, BUECHI). Two chromatography mass spectrometers (GCQ and ISQ, both ThermoFisher Scientific) are available as measuring devices.
These facilities enable the analysis of source rocks, crude oils and coals in respect to their molecular constituents. The qualitative and quantitative characterization of individual hydrocarbons gives information of their original source, their deposition, migration and alteration.